More jobs through better training and private sector promotion
Project description
Title: Promoting employment and private sector development in Libya
Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Libya
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation (MoLR)
Overall term: 2018 to 2022

Libya continues to remain unstable despite international efforts to support political consensus in the country. The internationally recognised Government of National Accord is severely limited in its ability to act. There is barely any money available for ongoing expenditure and investments.
The economic situation in Libya is dire. The country has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world – about half of all young people and a quarter of women are unemployed. There are hardly any small or medium-sized enterprises, as Libya has had a centrally planned economy. There is overemployment in the public sector i.e. in agencies close to the state. Young people, in particular, who are entering the labour market are therefore unable to find employment.
People benefit from a stronger private sector and improved training opportunities. This increases employment and income for many Libyans.

The project creates employment and income opportunities, especially for young people. GIZ and its partners also address disadvantaged groups such as internally displaced people (IDPs), the war-disabled and women. Approaches, which have proved successful in selected municipalities, are to be transferred to other towns, cities and the national level.
The project promotes the development of private enterprises. On behalf of the Federal Government, GIZ provides training and coaching in entrepreneurial activities or in setting up a business. The offers are aimed particularly at start-ups and small businesses. GIZ also promotes the development of local networks to promote business.
For example, the project supports the Association for the Development of Libyan Women Entrepreneurs in building up knowledge, competences and skills (capacity building). On this basis, the Association will in future advise female entrepreneurs from the food processing industry on product development, hygiene or packaging so that they can expand their market.

The project also improves worker training – especially in areas with growth potential such as the manufacturing industry, renewable energies, information technology, electrical engineering/electronics or construction. To this end, teachers are trained in order to increase the range of training on offer and improve the quality of teaching.
Trained trainers will provide short-term training courses as part of state professional development programmes. For example, women can learn how to manufacture textiles with modern industrial machines. The project will therefore equip the MoLR training centre with machinery for this purpose.
A group of Libyan specialists was trained in the installation, operation and repair of machinery. This training course should result in a national training course for machine maintenance.
As there is a serious shortage of nursing staff in Libya, the project is examining approaches for improved training in the health sector.