Rural development in Southern Kyrgyzstan
Project description
Title: Rural development in Southern Kyrgyzstan; Integrated Rural Development Programme
Commissioned by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Union
Country: Kyrgyzstan
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic
Overall term: 2018 to 2023

Jalal-Abad is the fourth largest province by territory and the second largest by population in Kyrgyzstan. 37,2 per cent of its residents are poor, while more than 78 per cent live in rural areas. Incomes of rural households are limited to remittances, agriculture and small entrepreneurship. As most land plots are small, and because of low productivity and a lack of access to modern technologies, efficiency in production and processing is low. Few farmers are integrated into national and international supply chains. Service quality in the few widely spread touristic places is low, so that both sectors contribute little to the region’s economic well-being. Nevertheless, the region does have a great deal of potential to thrive by developing its agricultural and tourism assets.

In the Jalal-Abad region of Kyrgyzstan, the population is gaining more income opportunities in agriculture and tourism and local governments are creating better social and economic conditions.

The project aims to achieve its goals by:
- Increasing competitiveness in areas with the potential to generate higher income. This is to be achieved through better cooperation within agricultural value chains and in tourism, and by integrating these into national and international supply chains.
- Improving the availability of services in rural areas. These include advisory services, transport and logistics, quality control, purchase of agricultural inputs, market information and information for tourists. This will positively affect the quality and quantity of agricultural and tourist products.
- Building on and expanding the capabilities of local governments, civil society, and private sector to jointly plan and implement social and economic measures. Projects planned through public-private dialogues address the tasks related to this and contribute to socio-economic development.
Last update: November 2021