Economic and social participation of vulnerable displaced persons and the local population in the South Caucasus

Project description

Title: Economic and social participation of vulnerable displaced persons
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Countries: South Caucasus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan
Lead executing agency: Ministry of the Internally Displaced Persons from the occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, State Committee for the Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan 
Overall term: 2017 to 2024


Territorial conflicts in the South Caucasus have displaced hundreds of thousands of people in the region. A large number are living in poverty and have no opportunities for economic and social development.

There are various reasons for this, including uprooting, poor housing, unfinished education, few employment opportunities and a lack of access to basic services. Many also find it difficult to achieve a balance between their origin and integration

Dealing with marginalised displaced persons is a highly sensitive issue in both domestic and foreign policy in the South Caucasus.


The economic and social participation of displaced persons and the local population in the South Caucasus is improved.


The project supports the social and economic development of displaced persons and the local population and improves their future prospects. It does so by operating in five fields of activities:

  • The project enables state and non-state actors to better involve the target group in economic and social life.
  • It fosters income generation opportunities for displaced persons and the local population.
  • It enhances economic prospects and the involvement of women in economic life.
  • It increases participation opportunities for displaced persons and the local population through community-based initiatives and self-advocacy organisations.
  • It supports dialogue among state and non-state actors and displaced persons and the local population.
  • Participation and empowerment of women and youth is a project priority.

Through COVID-19 response measures, the project has supported over 117,000 individuals who have been affected by the pandemic, including by improving access to medical care and everyday items.

Last update: June 2022