NAP and NDC Support Programme
Project description
Title: National Adaptation Plan and Nationally Determined Contribution Support Programme
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Bangladesh
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC)
Overall term: 2019 to 2022

Increasingly heavy rainfall, prolonged periods of drought, rising sea levels and salinisation are among the negative effects of climate change in Bangladesh. The consequences for the population are severe: crop failures, frequent but erratic floods, scarcity of drinking water, and loss of land including the destruction of infrastructure like schools and hospitals. This could jeopardise the country’s development gains, particularly affecting coastal communities, women and vulnerable groups unless effective measures are taken. According to projections of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) costs related to the damage caused by climate change could amount to two per cent of Bangladesh’s gross domestic product by 2050 and over nine per cent by 2100, a sum of several billion US dollars.

After recognising the impacts of climate change on the country at an early stage, the necessary adaptation measures have been made a priority in Bangladesh's climate and development strategies such as the National Adaptation Programme of Action 2005 (NAPA), Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009 (BCCSAP), the Nationally Determined Contributions 2015 (NDC) and the upcoming National Adaptation Plan (NAP). Yet, it remains a major challenge to translate climate policy objectives into measurable improvements for the population.
Selected sector ministries in Bangladesh use improved capacities and processes for integrating climate risks and national adaptation goals into planning and decision-making.
The project systematically addresses the existing incoherence between climate policy objectives and other sector specific strategies. It supports the government of Bangladesh in achieving an effective increase in climate resilience through an adequate consideration of climate risks and national adaptation goals within the planning processes of development measures.

To this end, the capacities of selected ministries and their local authorities are being enhanced. Knowledge and skills of the officials for improved integration of climate risks and national adaptation goals are strengthened.
In addition, demand-oriented and up-to-date gender-sensitive climate information and services are being made available for systematic use by the ministry officials. The exchange and cooperation between sector ministries and climate information providers are promoted.
The project also supports the government officials of the selected ministries in developing and introducing improved processes for the integration of climate risks and national adaptation goals in their project and strategy development.