Moverity – Saving Petrol with Big Data
Project description
Title: Toyota-GIZ Cooperation on Sustainable Transport Indicators
Financier: Toyota Daihatsu Engineering & Manufacturing Co.Ltd. (TDEM)
Countries: Thailand
Overall term: 2019 to 2020

The member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are increasingly implementing measures to improve the fuel efficiency of cars. Designing target-oriented and effective promotional instruments and supporting framework conditions requires a good data basis. Data that is required to analyse petrol consumption in a country includes the number of vehicles, distances travelled and the specific fuel consumption of every vehicle type. Data on the number of vehicles on the roads and the distances travelled are available in most countries. However, political decision-makers generally only have access to the vehicle manufacturers’ stated fuel economy, while data on the real-world fuel economy is lacking in most cases.
A digital platform collects real-world fuel-consumption data and supports informed purchase decisions and effective policies for fuel-saving measures.
Based on a previous phase for programming the Moverity platform, the following work packages will be implemented in this phase:
Improvement of the Moverity platform
The platform needs to be made more user-friendly to ensure that the maximum number of drivers use the platform and enter their fuel consumption. In addition to the existing chatbot, a smartphone app for iOS and Android is to be developed for this and released in Thai and English. Improvements to the vehicle database are also needed, and additional country-specific data for the Philippines and Thailand must be added.
Reach and regional policy dialogue
The platform follows a crowd-sourcing approach, making use of internet users, to improve its offering. The data quality will therefore improve with increasing numbers of participants. The project implements various measures to increase Moverity’s utilisation rate. These include integrating Moverity into the established regional dialogue on fuel efficiency in the ASEAN region and an online marketing campaign.
Fit for the future
The project lays the foundations for Moverity to continue by itself and develop independently once the project ends. To this end, partners need to be identified who will continue running the platform after the project finishes.
The Moverity platform, the app and the chatbot have been fully developed and are ready for use. The platform was handed over to Thailand’s Ministry of Energy in September 2020, which plans to continue the development and transfer the data to its big data platform.
Last update: january 2021