Displacement and migration in the context of economic and social development

GIZ supports the potential of regulated and safe migration so as to ensure equal benefit for countries of origin, host countries and migrants. It also helps refugees, internally displaced persons and host communities to shape a better future for themselves.
People leave their homes for many different reasons. War, violence and political or religious persecution can cause people to seek refuge in a different region or country, but migration can also be driven by the search for work or educational opportunities. Through its work worldwide, GIZ contributes to overcoming the challenges associated with displacement and migration, creating long-term prospects for people, and enhancing the positive effects of migration for development.
The United Nations 2030 Agenda recognizes the many and varied links between migration and development and calls not only for a reduction in the risks (such as the exploitation of labour migrants), but also for greater promotion of the associated potential. SDG 10 calls on member states to apply a responsible migration policy that gives people the chance of orderly, safe and regular mobility.
Against this backdrop, GIZ supports people before they migrate by offering training measures and information, and together with the countries of origin, establishes models for fair labour migration. Migrants’ commitment to the development of their countries of origin takes many forms – from money transfers to assist their families directly, and setting up businesses that create jobs, to knowledge transfer through highly qualified returnees who work at institutions in GIZ’s partner countries. GIZ also provides support for the phase after migration. Activities in this context focus on economic, social and political reintegration. Our measures are aimed not only at returnees as a target group, but also the local population.
The United Nations Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework focuses not only on protection and supplies, but above all on the long-term independence of refugees. This is where GIZ comes in, assisting host countries, refugees and internally displaced persons in shaping their own future. Educational and training activities are accompanied by psychological, social and peacebuilding measures. Wherever legally possible, we also support the integration of migrants into the local labour market. Our approach is geared to giving equal consideration to the interests and needs of host communities, refugees and internally displaced persons.