An opened cocoa fruit.

Improving productivity in cocoa cultivation and smallholder incomes

Sustainable Cocoa Production from Agroforestry in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) 

  • Country
  • Runtime

    2020 to 2024

  • Involved

    Cargill Cocoa and Chocolate (CCC), Mondelez International

  • Products and expertise

    Rural development

Women prepare food in the kitchen of a municipal school.


In Brazil, cocoa is typically produced by smallholders. Technical assistance is scarce and mechanical or technological support is absent, which makes it very hard for these smallholders to improve their production system and thus their livelihoods. High deforestation rates in Pará and the low productivity of old traditional cocoa production systems in Bahia intensify the pressure on important natural ecosystems such as the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest. 


Cocoa smallholders have higher incomes while still preserving important areas of the forest. 

Two people conduct tests for quality assurance for cocoa.


  • Mondelez and local partners work together with producers and technical professionals in Bahia and Pará. The activities improve capabilities on the ground in order to increase the productivity in cocoa areas and introduce agroforestry systems as a tool to recover degraded areas.
  • The project and its partners support the development of market access strategies for the different products from the agroforestry systems. At the same time, they enhance business management skills in cooperatives and producer associations.
  • Governmental and non-governmental organisations are given support to promote environmental compliance in Bahia and in Pará.

Last update: July 2023

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