News 2024

Vaccine cooling – smart, solar and digital From limes to dried fruit: High-quality organic products for Germany and Europe 50 years of commitment to Kenya’s future Higher yields and incomes, better nutrition Harnessing the power of AI to improve harvests Syria: Supporting people to shape their own future Women reporters for justice Teaming up to protect Algeria’s coast Innovation for transformation Women who drive business A new approach to water scarcity ‘My knowledge in construction will be very important to rebuild Ukraine’ Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel: ‘No global development issue can be resolved in isolation’ Biodiversity as a business model ‘A COP for the people’ Caribbean – Financial security for species conservation “Africa is not a problem to be solved, we are part of today’s solution.” Cocoa 2.0: Digital answers to climate change Improving mobility in the metropolis Tackling mpox with a new test and training courses Achim Steiner: "SDGs as the key to avoiding global crises" Strengthening democracies and human rights around the globe Saving lives with firefighting robots in Ukraine Shaping future prospects in South Sudan Swapping unemployment for chicken farming ‘Without GIZ’s support, we wouldn’t have had the confidence to do it.’ The African Union: a strong partner for GIZ The European Union needs to stay engaged in fragile contexts The power of sport. For development. Peru: Fresh water in old canals GIZ adapts its structure in Afghanistan Climate-friendly rice cultivation The triple impact of international cooperation Displaced people in Mozambique: new opportunities, new optimism Ethiopia: turning dry soil into fertile land A high quality of life for all: just urban planning requires data diversity and inclusive AI In support of democracy: EU election observers ‘Digitalisation must serve the common good’ ‘Diversity is not just a nice-to-have‘ Supporting the private sector in the search for skilled workers Starting a career in Baghdad Women entrepreneurs in Bolivia: Business knowledge leads to success Finding hope and purpose again: support for people in Türkiye’s earthquake region Gambia: Well prepared for bird flu Digital databases instead of paper files: Ukraine as a digitalisation role model Inspector AI tackles money laundering Dice games, cards and conversations – solving water problems together "International cooperation is in Germany's interest!" The judiciary in Latin America: more protection and rights for women and girls International Women’s Day: Female Pioneers for future generations Emerging stronger from the pandemic – sustainable economic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina Skilled workers for Germany Ukraine: Learning to rebuild and rebuilding to learn Modern police stations in The Gambia Good health made simple: all vaccinations at a glance Woman power in Nepal’s health sector Follow the money! Heat and lighting through the winter: ensuring electricity supplies in Ukraine