News 2024

The European Union needs to stay engaged in fragile contexts The power of sport. For development. Peru: Fresh water in old canals GIZ adapts its structure in Afghanistan Climate-friendly rice cultivation The triple impact of international cooperation Displaced people in Mozambique: new opportunities, new optimism Ethiopia: turning dry soil into fertile land A high quality of life for all: just urban planning requires data diversity and inclusive AI In support of democracy: EU election observers ‘Digitalisation must serve the common good’ ‘Diversity is not just a nice-to-have‘ Supporting the private sector in the search for skilled workers Starting a career in Baghdad Women entrepreneurs in Bolivia: Business knowledge leads to success Finding hope and purpose again: support for people in Türkiye’s earthquake region Gambia: Well prepared for bird flu Digital databases instead of paper files: Ukraine as a digitalisation role model Inspector AI tackles money laundering Dice games, cards and conversations – solving water problems together "International cooperation is in Germany's interest!" The judiciary in Latin America: more protection and rights for women and girls International Women’s Day: Female Pioneers for future generations Emerging stronger from the pandemic – sustainable economic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina Skilled workers for Germany Ukraine: Learning to rebuild and rebuilding to learn Modern police stations in The Gambia Good health made simple: all vaccinations at a glance Woman power in Nepal’s health sector Follow the money! Heat and lighting through the winter: ensuring electricity supplies in Ukraine