Fast procedures, greater efficiency: digital justice in Mongolia
Procedural errors and long waiting times – that was then. Now an eJustice system is reducing errors and creating transparency.
Mongolia is digitalising its judicial system. An eJustice system, which is a digital portal, is helping citizens to assert their rights while simplifying procedures. Besides dealing with all legal processes, the portal facilitates cooperation between authorities and creates transparency. This makes for much faster procedures whereas, in the past, several years could elapse between filing a complaint and a verdict being passed.
This project by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is headed up on site by Zaya Lkhagva. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ is assisting Mongolia to set up the digital portal and make it easier for citizens to access justice. Especially for the country’s nomadic population, who formerly had to spend a lot of money and travel great distances to appear in court, things are now considerably easier. This eJustice system works everywhere and enables access. ‘You can just use your smart phone,’ says Zaya. ‘You can see what steps are being taken, what time slots are scheduled and what your rights are in a given case.’
Digital solutions: inclusive and transferable
The portal records relevant data digitally. In contrast, the former paper-based process was susceptible to errors and resulted in slow exchanges of information between authorities. It was not uncommon for files to simply be overlooked. With the digitalised process, all stakeholders can now access data and update it in real time – and the effect is tangible: a survey of the police, courts, authorities and public prosecutor revealed that around 70 per cent of people are convinced that procedural errors and processing times have been clearly reduced.
The new system has many advantages for its users. Processes are clearer and matters can be regulated more easily and from any location. The digital platform is not restricted to legal procedures, however. ‘The procedure is highly transferable. Not only within the justice system but everywhere where the state has a specific function to fulfil,’ says Zaya. For example, administrations or insurance companies can become more efficient once digitalised. ‘Digitalisation is an excellent way to standardise processes relatively quickly and without major investment.’