The latest results from international cooperation: current topics that move or challenge us and the work of GIZ. Updates on project data and news from our partners in our projects worldwide provide insights into our work.
The latest results from international cooperation: current topics that move or challenge us and the work of GIZ. Updates on project data and news from our partners in our projects worldwide provide insights into our work.
Solar-powered refrigerators that store medicines reliably: mini transmitters report malfunctions directly to technical support, thus ensuring fast repair.
GIZ works! Together with the Import Promotion Desk (IPD), GIZ supports organic producers worldwide. At the BIOFACH trade fair in Nuremberg, their products are attracting buyers from across Germany and Europe.
79 projects, one goal: GIZ Kenya has been committed to the long-term development of the country and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for 50 years.
Aquaculture schemes can secure food and higher incomes. GIZ supports sustainable fish farming in Zambia.
Young software developers in Kenya and Uganda are working on AI-based recommendations for farmers. GIZ is providing advisory support.
Syria has a chance of a better future after the fall of the Assad regime. GIZ is already supporting people in shaping the future of their country.
Women in Nepal are encouraging other survivors of the civil war to talk about what they have experienced. That also helps them to heal from their own experiences.
When it comes to protecting Algeria’s coast, everyone needs to have their say. GIZ brings all the different stakeholders together and develops solutions that work for everyone.
The ‘Suli Innovation House’ in Iraq is a place that creates ideas for a more digital economy as well as jobs for young people.
In Rwanda, a group of women are establishing themselves as motorcycle taxi drivers. In the process, they overcome stereotypes and develop new business ideas.
GIZ is supporting Jordan in the desalination of brackish water. With this, the country now meets 15 per cent of its drinking water requirements – a figure that is rising.
Viktoriia is a student in construction technology in Kyiv. In the interview, she explains why she took trainings for energy-efficient construction developed by GIZ.
Cooperation in partnership was the focus of GIZ’s annual reception for external partners in Berlin.
There is a high demand for biological raw materials from Africa – whether it is for cosmetics or pharmaceutical products. Commercial use of these materials need not come at the cost of biodiversity.
COP16 is focused on local participation. GIZ staff member Sara Chavarriaga explains why this is so important and what challenges it creates.
In the Caribbean, biodiversity preservation and economic prospects go hand in hand. Together with partners, GIZ is ensuring long-term financial security for ecosystems.
Mavis Owusu-Gyamfi advises governments in Africa on economic matters. In our interview, she argues in favour of a green restructuring of African economies.
Agriculture needs smart solutions in the face of climate change. To make this work, GIZ and the telecommunications company Orange are collaborating in Côte d’Ivoire.
New data is helping to make public transport safe and accessible for everyone. A study is investigating how women use transport in Lagos.
GIZ and Charité are enabling the reference laboratory in Benin to comprehensively diagnose poxviruses for the first time. Early detection of the viral disease helps Germany too.
In an interview with akzente, the head of the United Nations Development Programme talks about the role of the Sustainable Development Goals and the need for global cooperation right now.
The Team Europe Democracy (TED) Initiative supports worldwide democracy. In Colombia, for instance, it promotes women’s participation in politics and elections.
Ukrainian firefighters use innovative equipment to extinguish fires, with specialised robots carrying out dangerous tasks for the emergency services.
GIZ is promoting climate-adapted agriculture in South Sudan. It is also working with the population to prevent gender-based violence and strengthen peace.
Agricultural training for refugees, internally displaced people and host communities in Ethiopia: a success story for people like Bontu Tesfa.
Christine Arlt recruits skilled workers for commercial vehicle producer MAN’s servicing workshops. Baha Eddine Boukachata is employed as a mechanic at one of those workshops. In our interview, they explain how GIZ helped them cross paths.
The African Union is an important ally for large projects in Africa. Special Envoy Bineta Diop explains why in an interview.
In a joint article, Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, Chair of the Board of GIZ, and Jean Van Wetter, CEO of the Belgian development agency Enabel, point out that international development organisations play an essential role in supporting fragile states.
Sport in sustainable development and sustainability in sport: GIZ strengthens its partnerships at the Football Sustainability Summit.
GIZ has improved the water supply in Lima by reactivating the historical water canals.
From 2025, GIZ will implement projects in Afghanistan exclusively through non-governmental organisations.
GIZ works! Climate-friendly rice production reduces greenhouse gas emissions
2023 in figures: business volume at around EUR 4 billion. More than 25,000 staff in around 120 countries.
It’s World Refugee Day: Many people in Mozambique are displaced within their own country. The path to building a new life starts with a secure income.
In the lowlands of Ethiopia, droughts alternate with flash floods. This damages the soil and makes the land difficult to farm. GIZ is building weirs to protect these areas.
From Cairo to Lagos, cities worldwide are experiencing dramatic growth rates. Urban planners are increasingly relying on data and artificial intelligence (AI). A guest contribution by GIZ Managing Director Anna Sophie Herken.
The EU sends observers on missions worldwide to see if elections are held freely and fairly. GIZ ensures their work runs smoothly and safely.
Interview with GIZ Managing Director Anna Sophie Herken.
Janina Fischer is the Diversity Commissioner at GIZ. She talked to us about why diversity pays off and how it applies at GIZ.
GIZ works! Skilled workers from abroad are indispensable in Germany. GIZ helps companies in finding well-qualified applicants.
Youth unemployment is high in Iraq. GIZ supports young people in setting up businesses and starting their careers.
GIZ works! GIZ has provided over 1,000 farmers with machinery. They now produce foodstuff such as quinoa more efficiently – and some of their produce is exported to Germany.
War, displacement and earthquakes have placed a huge strain on people in the region. GIZ is offering them psychosocial counselling.
Gambia’s rapid response to the latest outbreak of bird flu is protecting Europe against infections, too. An international team of experts provided the country with support.
Ukraine is using a digital platform to record stocks of essential goods and distribute them to citizens in a targeted manner.
With the help of artificial intelligence, Peruvian authorities can identify and pursue cases of money laundering better.
In India, thousands of villagers manage the groundwater in their communities together. What began as a game became a success.
GIZ works! Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, Chair of the Management Board on how international cooperation also makes a positive impact in Germany.
Training courses break down prejudices within the police, courts and authorities – and support those affected by sexual and gender-based violence.
Societies cannot be stable without gender equality and inclusion. Stories from successful women.
The COVID pandemic presented huge challenges for business all over the world. GIZ is supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina with efforts to mitigate the economic impacts.
GIZ works! GIZ supports SMEs in recruiting skilled workers from abroad.
GIZ works! Small communities are rebuilding their schools. New digital hubs ensure better online teaching – often from the school basement.
The small state in West Africa is setting an example for human rights-compliant policing – with police stations that meet international standards.
GIZ is supporting Tunisia in extending its digital COVID-19 vaccination platform to include all the common vaccinations.
Feminist development policy stands for justice and cohesion – as well as better outcomes.
How do you fight drug trafficking, illegal arms trading and spyware? Company registers, which GIZ has introduced in Kenya and the Balkans.
Large parts of Ukraine’s power grid have been damaged or destroyed by the war. GIZ is supplying the equipment needed to keep people warm through the winter.