Geneva, Switzerland - Image of international organizations based in Geneva - United Nations logo displays on a wall at European headquarters entrance © GIZ

Green Climate Fund

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the largest climate fund worldwide established by the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been accredited to develop funding proposals and support the implementation of projects for climate change adaptation and climate action since 2016.

GIZ is involved in the GCF in three ways:

  • Preparatory support for partners
    (readiness partner)

    GIZ fosters knowledge-sharing on climate finance financing and supports partner countries in improving their access to GCF funds and implementing effective climate projects independently.
  • Project development
    GIZ develops funding proposals that promote climate-resilient, low-emission development pathways.
  • Overseeing project implementation
    GIZ ensures that projects are run efficiently and effectively – where necessary by making adjustments to manage risks – and supports the sharing of lessons learned and knowledge management.

GIZ involves countries and partner organisations in all the project development phases to foster a sense of responsibility and ownership among the countries. This makes it possible to achieve sustainable results and ensures that the implementation and financial management of the projects are efficient.

At present, the following projects are being implemented with GIZ as an accredited federal enterprise:

A table with numbers and text.

The project on the climate-resilient water sector in Grenada promotes the country's water sector by setting up a water sector committee and investing in a climate-resilient water infrastructure.

The project on promotion of climate-friendly cooking aims to accelerate market growth for improved cooking facilities in Kenya and Senegal and increase production, revenue and quality with regard to improved cooing facilities in rural areas.

The programme for Creating incentives to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation supports the Lao PDR in improving forest management and land use.

The project to support climate-friendly forest management in Georgia supports the implementation of sustainable forest management and the use of energy-efficient ovens with the aim of reducing greenhouse emissions resulting from deforestation.

The CATAL1.5°T initiative: concerted action to accelerate local 1,5° technologies in Latin America and West Africa project is setting up a regional platform to develop a portfolio of young climate businesses in Latin America and West Africa. The objective of each regional initiative is to promote venture capital in start-ups and young businesses with the greatest impact on climate change mitigation and the highest growth potential.

A person in blue overalls sitting on sand with metal containers.

As a readiness partner, GIZ also supports countries in developing structures and capacities to access international climate funding independently and achieve efficient implementation. GIZ is currently implementing readiness projects in Morocco, Thailand, the Maldives, North Macedonia and Albania.

In addition to GCF-funded activities, GIZ implements self-financed initiatives. These include developing training courses, tools, studies and guidelines on various topics related to climate funding and direct access to GCF funds. The focus is also on fostering a South-South exchange and peer learning approaches.


Ms. Ilona Porsche
Head of GCF Business Development Unit
Dag-Hammarskjold-Weg 1-5, Eschborn, Germany
Phone +49-619679-3130

Ms. Tatjana Krueger
Head of GCF Oversight Unit
Dag-Hammarskjold-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn, Germany

Additional information

‘Climate Resilient Water Sector in Grenada’ strengthens the country’s water sector by establishing a water governance body and investing in climate resilient water infrastructure.

‘Promotion of Climate-friendly Cooking’ aims to accelerate the growth of improved cookstoves market in Kenya and Senegal and significantly increase the level and quality of improved cookstoves production and sales in remote rural areas.

‘Implementation of GHG Emissions Reductions Programme through Improved Governance and Sustainable Forest Landscape’ supports the Lao People’s Democratic Republic improve forest and land-use management to achieve its REDD+ plans.

Supporting climate-friendly forest management in Georgia’ helps the country reduce GHG emissions from forest decline by introducing sustainable forest management and the use of energy-efficient stoves.

Further information on GIZ as a readiness partner is available here: Enabling access to climate finance: knowledge transfer, networking and innovation –

Further information on the scope of GIZ's accreditation is available here: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH | Green Climate Fund

No complaint filed as of September 2023

Case Register

Our featured projects

Employees of the Grenadian water supplier with equipment.

From Georgia to Grenada - climate protection with the Green Climate Fund