Creating jobs and stimulating growth in Rwanda
Special Initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition”: Job partnerships and SME promotion in Rwanda
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2019 bis 2025
Products and expertise
Economic development and employment

Rwanda has one of the highest growth rates in Africa and is proving to be an increasingly attractive location for business and investment in the region. However, this growth has so far failed to create enough jobs. Rwanda is therefore seeking to create 1.5 million jobs between 2017 and 2024 and is being supported in their efforts by the special initiative.
African and European companies are growing and creating new jobs in Rwanda.
The project is supporting African and European companies in expanding their business activities and investments on the Rwandan market and creating jobs. It pursues four objectives:
Identifying and reducing barriers to investment
The project provides needs-based services to support companies across sectors, foster growth and foreign investment, and create jobs.
Promoting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
The project trains employees and applicants, provides advice on business development and contributes to increasing product quality. It also supports the development of the E-Commerce Centre in Kigali and a platform for online trade.
Expanding the global business services sector
The project promotes Rwanda as a location for providers of global business services (GBS) in order to create jobs. It assists companies with needs-based training and further education for skilled workers, promotes support systems for companies and improves networking between the various stakeholders.
Promoting pharmaceutical and biotech companies in Rwanda
The project is supporting companies in networking and reducing barriers to investment. It is also improving training for skilled workers in consultation with Rwanda's Ministry of Education.
Last update: April 2024