A young man works in a workshop.

Teaching skills for green transformation

Vocational Education and Youth Employment in Serbia

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  • Commissioning Party

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Lead executing agency


  • Overall term

    2024 to 2026

  • Other Stakeholders

    Qualification Agency, Institute for the Improvement of Education, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, vocational schools, companies

  • Products and expertise

    Economic development and employment


Although the Serbian vocational training system has clearly improved in recent years, it is not yet prepared for future challenges. It is not training enough specialists and is reacting very slowly to the country’s climate and environmentally friendly digital transformation.

The system therefore needs support so that it can teach ‘green skills’. These are crucial so that young people can find work. It is also a matter of accelerating the green transformation in companies and thus increasing the competitiveness of the Serbian economy.


The Serbian vocational training system is geared towards the requirements of green transformation.


The project is working with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce to develop and implement a comprehensive information campaign. The aim is to raise awareness among key stakeholders – such as the Ministry of Education, the Office for Dual Education, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and vocational schools – of the potential that the Serbian vocational training system offers for green transformation.

In addition, the programme advises those responsible so that they can develop their institutional and HR skills in order to align the vocational training system with the transformation.

It has also revised existing vocational training programmes by adding green skills to them - for example, environmentally friendly training for welders. New green training programmes are also being developed.

The project also includes the German-Serbian Initiative for Sustainable Growth and Employment, which pools and coordinates the activities of German-Serbian development cooperation. It works on innovative approaches and relevant topics for the digital and green transformation together with state and civil society representatives in Serbia. The aim is to create a flexible and innovative approach for German development cooperation with Serbia in the near future.

Last update: March 2024