Shaping economic prosperity through renewable energies and green hydrogen
Technological and socio-economic development for renewable energies and green hydrogen in Algeria
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2022 to 2025
Products and expertise
Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport
Solar and wind-based power generation and green hydrogen represent a great opportunity for Algeria. They can develop the economy in the long term and create jobs in these fields. However, the country is not yet fully exploiting this potential.

The Algerian economy is increasingly using renewable energies and green hydrogen to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and boost growth and jobs.
The project promotes renewable energies and a green hydrogen industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In the process, it also supports growth and employability in cities and municipalities. The project works in four fields of activity – primarily with advisory, study and training activities:
Component 1 helps to expand the expertise of the relevant Algerian institutions so they can in turn develop large projects in the renewable energy (RE) sector and integrate these into the power grid.
Component 2 also advises on how to improve institutional, technical and personnel requirements for implementing medium-sized RE projects.
Component 3 is developing key instruments with the Algerian Ministry of Energy and Mines (Ministère de l’Énergie et des Mines, MEM) to promote the development of a green hydrogen economy.
Component 4 helps decision-makers from politics and business to collate and use information on the potential of domestic green hydrogen production using gaseous hydrogen (GH2) and to convert renewable energy for storage (power-to-X).
Last update: June 2023