A shelf full of reference books from which a book with a world map on the cover stands out a bit. Copyright: GIZ

Promoting social and economic participation of youths and young women

Promoting Women and Young People for a Peaceful Development in Libya

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2026

  • Products and expertise

    Social development


Since the political upheavals of 2011, Libya has been a fragile state. The existence of two rival governments in the west and east of the country creates major challenges for the country’s governance. Violent conflicts worsen the population’s living conditions and future prospects.

Young people, especially women, are excluded from societal and economic participation. Their needs and perspectives are inadequately considered. Young women in particular face a great deal of discrimination due to traditional values and norms. However, they are eager to participate socio-economically.


Governmental and local institutions improve the gender-inclusive economic and social participation of youths and young women.


The project trains trainers to enable them to offer youths and young women gender-inclusive careers guidance. The objective is to improve the employment and income situation of these groups. To this end, the project works with Libyan educational institutions and vocational training institutes.

The project operates in the following fields of action:

  • Training employees of state institutions for youth development as well as youth and training centres in gender-inclusive youth work.
  • Implementing peacebuilding and gender equality measures in the respective institutions and developing strategies for the socio-economic participation of young people.
  • Working with the Ministry of Youth to find, renovate and equip safe spaces for additional youth and training centres.
  • Advising the management of the youth and training centres on gender-sensitive and long-term use strategies.
  • Training contact persons at the youth and training centres to enable them to support girls and women and implement gender equality measures.

Last updated: July 2023

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