A person observes elephants on the Chobe River. © GIZ

Climate-adapted use of natural resources

Transboundary Climate Resilience and Management of Natural Resources in the SADC Region

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  • Commissioning Party

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Cofinancier

    European Union

  • Country

    Regional, SADC region

  • Lead executing agency


  • Overall term

    2021 to 2027

  • Products and expertise

    Climate, environment, management of natural resources

A map of southern Africa with marked protected areas.


In southern Africa, significantly higher temperatures, around 30 per cent less precipitation and more severe and frequent periods of extreme weather are expected by 2100. There will be less water for agriculture and livestock farming, wild animals and plants. As agricultural yields fall, more land will be needed and human-wildlife conflicts will increase.

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) therefore supports the establishment and management of Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs). The aim is to protect natural, transnational ecosystems that contribute to biodiversity, safeguard livelihoods and promote rural development. To date, twelve TFCAs have been registered with the SADC. The SADC Tourism Programme 2020 to 2023 has also focused efforts on establishing a resilient tourism industry.


Transboundary natural ecosystems in southern Africa are better organised, managed and coordinated. The expertise required to achieve this has been developed.

A tourist rental car and a donkey cart with people waving drive through a protected area.© GIZ


The project works in four areas, which are implemented at international, regional, national and local level:

It supports and develops a regional network for TFCA stakeholders for the purpose of exchanging knowledge and information. Governments receive training in the protection of natural resources and innovative financing. At the same time, the project works to expand regional training programmes on climate-friendly agriculture for producers.

The project advises governments on coordinating selected TFCAs and improving the legal conditions.

To promote tourism in the region, the project works to facilitate cross-border travel and markets TFCAs under the ‘Boundless Southern Africa’ brand.

The project also implements concepts for climate-smart agriculture and the management of natural resources. To this end, it cooperates with non-governmental organisations and municipalities in three TFCAs.

A farmer pulls two oxen across a field.

Last update: June 2024

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