A girl drawing water from the public fountain.

Improving drinking water and sanitation services in Burkina Faso

Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Programme (PEA)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Co-financier

    European Union (EU)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2022 to 2027

  • Products and expertise

    Sustainable infrastructure: water, energy, transport

Fäkalschlammbehandlungsanlage mit Projektunterstützung der GIZ gebaut.© GIZ


Burkina Faso faces significant challenges due to rapid demographic and urban growth, which strains water and sanitation services. Currently, a quarter of the urban population lacks access to drinking water, and only 39 per cent use adequate sanitation facilities. Climate change exacerbates the situation by reducing rainfall and water resources. Additionally, conflict and terrorist activities further complicate access to drinking water and sanitation, especially for internally displaced people.

Eine Frau, die gerade mit Projektunterstützung der GIZ einen neuen Wasseranschluss bekommen hat.

As the demand for water and sanitation services grows, the available supply falls short, leading to increased poverty and inequality. Climatic variability decreases the water resources available for drinking water supply, and these limited resources become vulnerable to pollution. Consequently, these issues result in serious socio-economic consequences, such as increased health risks, loss of human life, and disruptions to drinking water supply services.

To address these challenges and improve the well-being of the population, ensuring access to safe water and sanitation is emerging as a major priority.


Urban drinking water and sanitation services are improved in Burkina Faso.


The project focuses on two main areas. First, it aims to consolidate and extend its previous achievements. Second, it aligns with the objectives of national programmes, emphasising support for communes in managing drinking water supply and sanitation projects in urban areas.

The project’s specific actions include:

  • Supporting the National Office for Water and Sanitation (ONEA): The project enhances organisational development by creating innovative strategies, effective management concepts, and appropriate instruments. It optimises processes using modern information technologies and improves the skills of technical and managerial staff.
  • Promoting accessible services in communities: The project ensures the availability, affordability, appropriate technology, and quality of drinking water and sanitation services through promoting the construction of adequate latrines, preventing the contamination of drinking water, and improving hygiene practices. It integrates the Human Rights-Based Approach and the principle of 'Leaving No One Behind,' while protecting water resources through the implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM).

Last update: August 2024

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