Several women walk along a path. A soldier stands in the foreground and observes the scene.

Promoting peace and security in the border region between Mozambique and Tanzania

Inclusive Participation in Peace and Security (IPPS) in the border region of Mozambique and Tanzania

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  • Client

    German Federal Foreign Office (AA)

  • Co-financier

    European Union (EU)

  • Country
  • Runtime

    2023 to 2025

  • Products and expertise

    Security, reconstruction and peace


Northern Mozambique is rich in resources, but faces acute social and economic challenges, as inequality, extreme poverty, corruption and political marginalisation are widespread. Mozambique is among the countries with the lowest Human Development Index (HDI) in the world, and the poverty and educational deficits are particularly high in the north of the country.

In 2017, the Al-Shabab militia, which has close ties to the so-called Islamic State, initiated an armed conflict. This exacerbated instability in the region and led to the displacement of around 800,000 people. Around 4,000 people have lost their lives so far.

Together with regional stakeholders (Rwanda, Southern African Development Community, SADC) the Mozambican Government intervened and was able to reduce displacement and instability. Nevertheless, the security situation in the border region between Tanzania and Mozambique remains tense.

Mozambican military personnel and soldiers from the EU Training Mission (EUTM) distribute learning materials to local schoolchildren in Cabo Delgado. Copyright: EU Training Mission (EUTM).


Governmental and non-governmental actors on site and in the region are in a better position to prevent and counter violent extremism.


The project enables governmental and non-governmental actors in the border region of Mozambique and Tanzania to implement inclusive approaches to preventing and combating violent extremism. Particular attention is paid to women and young people, who play a key role in maintaining peace and security. In this context, the project is implementing the following measures:

  • It improves the understanding of local conflict dynamics through knowledge building and exchange
  • It promotes regional dialogue and approaches to preventing extremism that go beyond mere security aspects
  • It is committed to improving the social and economic resilience of women and young people by supporting women’s initiatives, dialogue forums and income-generating initiatives

The European Union initiated the cooperation with the Federal Foreign Office and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and is financing the project.

A young person with a fishing net at work.

Last update: November 2023

Additional information


Improving future prospects for refugees and host communities in northern Mozambique

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