Adapting agriculture to the consequences of climate change
Adaptation of agricultural value chains to climate change (PrAda 2)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
European Union (EU)
Political sponsors
2022 to 2026
Malagasy Ministry of Fisheries and the Blue Economy (Ministère de la Pêche de l'Economie Bleue), Malagasy Agricultural Development Fund (Fonds de Développement Agricole), agricultural associations and chambers, insurance companies, private local service providers and trainers, local companies, Sahanala, Ramex
Products and expertise
Rural development

Due to its geographical location, Madagascar is directly affected by climate change. Extreme weather such as heavy rainfall and droughts and the degradation of fertile soils are increasing. Agriculture must therefore adapt in order to secure people's livelihoods and enable long-term development in Madagascar. The sector accounts for a quarter of gross domestic product and employs around 80 per cent of the population.
Smallholder structures prevail in Madagascar. Producers are rarely organised and often work with traditional methods. Agricultural productivity is at a low level. This results in regular food crises.
The resilience of agriculture and neighbouring sectors to climate risks has been increased.

Together with a local non-governmental organisation, the project runs climate field schools, in which small farmers learn to use sustainable and climate-adapted ecological cultivation techniques. Weather data and cultivation calendars adapted to climate change also provide them with important information to help them reorganise their production. Together with the dissemination of climate-adapted seeds, this is intended to increase agricultural yields. With the AFC Consulting Group, the project also facilitates access to financial services such as subsidies, loans and climate risk insurance.
The project also promotes the commercial skills of farmers' organisations and cooperatives and teaches them to offer services to their members, such as the collective sale of their products at better prices. By partnering with local companies, the project makes it easier for farmers to find markets for their produce. It advises local chambers of industry and commerce on how to improve the legislative environment for cooperatives.
The project is active in the south and south-east of the country.
Last update: September 2024