A field with young coffee plants. The outline of several people can be seen in the background.

Supporting the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources

Conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in Ethiopia: Biodiversity

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  • Commissioning Party

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Lead executing agency


  • Overall term

    2021 to 2025

  • Other Stakeholders

    ARGE GFA Consulting Group GmbH

  • Products and expertise

    Climate, environment, management of natural resources

A woman holding a plant in her hands.


Ethiopia is experiencing a steady rise in its population, leading to an increased demand for natural resources, which are often exploited illegally with only a short-term perspective. This causes severe degradation of protected areas and forests in the country, thus threatening ecosystems and their functions. These in turn are vital for preserving the livelihoods of local communities, for example by providing clean water and fertile soil. Up to now, the contributions of these ecosystems often go unnoticed by the local population. Instead, protected areas are frequently perceived as obstacles to development. In addition, funding gaps in administration create challenges in effectively managing nature conservation areas.

Two small monkeys perch on a tree branch, observing their surroundings.


Cooperating with various other actors and taking the interest of local communities into account, relevant institutions in Ethiopia are managing protected areas and forests sustainably.


The project promotes cooperation in managing conservation areas among various involved groups and fields of work. It adopts a comprehensive approach, addressing the social, economic and ecological aspects of the relationship between protected areas and neighbouring communities. Major working fields are:

  • Promoting alternative livelihoods: Supporting families near these areas to establish climate-resilient and legally compliant income sources. Establishing stable connections with the private industry to enhance the longevity of these income alternatives.
  • Community engagement and decision-making: Actively involving local communities in decision-making processes, promoting mutual understanding and inclusivity, particularly ensuring the involvement of women.
  • Digital tools development: Supporting the development of various digital tools and e-learning formats for improved and scalable management of protected areas and forestry, in collaboration with the GFA Consulting Group.

Last update: February 2024

A serene stream flowing through a vibrant, verdant forest.

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