Advancing human rights and development
Sector Programme Human Rights
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
2023 to 2026
German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR)
Products and expertise
State and democracy

Most cooperating countries in German development cooperation have ratified the core human rights conventions. However, many people cannot adequately exercise their political and civil, economic, social and cultural rights. This is exacerbated by global crises, in particular climate change, increasing armed conflicts as well as displacement and migration.
Human rights are the universal basis for a life in freedom, dignity and equality , and are central to sustainable development. In its new Human Rights Strategy from 2023, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) therefore defines human rights as a quality criterion and binding “quality seal” for its development policy.
BMZ and its implementing organisations consistently align their development policy activities with human rights standards and principles.

The project advises BMZ and the implementing organisations on applying the human rights-based approach (HRBA), which views individuals as rights-holders who should know their rights and be able to claim them from state institutions. At the same time, state institutions must respect, protect and fulfil the rights of their citizens . In particular, the HRBA focusses on women, children and young people, Indigenous Peoples and LGBTIQ+ persons. The project advises on developing measures to support both sides.
The HRBA is supported by strategic partnerships, for example with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in international human rights-related processes. The HRBA is implemented with a focus on HRBA on digitalisation, climate action and the environment as well as displacement and migration. Additionally, it technically and organisationally supports BMZ’s Youth Advisory Board.
The project fosters a long-standing cooperation with the German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR). The Institute supports the project’s work by monitoring international trends and providing strategic advice.
Last update: March 2024