Conservation and sustainable use of natural resources
Programme description
Title: Conservation and sustainable use of natural resources
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: European Union (EU)
Country: Madagascar
Lead executing agency: Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable (MEDD) (Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development)
Overall term: 2015 to 2020

Madagascar is world-famous for its unique biodiversity. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) classifies the country as fragile: rapid population growth, unsuitable cultivation methods and a strong demand for wood fuel among the population, most of whom live below the poverty line, are causing progressive deforestation, soil erosion and biodiversity loss. The illegal export of high-grade timber, gemstones and animals exacerbate these problems. The institutional framework, technical expertise and capacity of the public services and users are insufficient for the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.
The conservation and sustainable, climate-resilient use of natural resources in and around protected areas is improved.

The environmental project contributes to ensuring that the use of natural resources in and around protected areas is sustainable and climate-resilient. It works in the DIANA, Boeny, Atsimo-Andrefana and Analamanga regions.
By generating added value from natural resources, the population learns to manage protected areas and forests sustainably and to generate permanent income, for instance through honey, ecotourism, timber or ‘green’ charcoal.
The project supports micro enterprises and cooperatives with producing and marketing ‘green’ charcoal, i.e. charcoal from sustainable forestry produced in more efficient kilns. Energy-saving cooking stoves for households round off the commitment.
The project provides support with updating existing and developing new policies and legislation in the sector as well as with creating municipal and regional land-use plans.
The management of small-scale mines is improved in order to comply with fair trade standards in the medium term. Dialogue forums with miners, specialist services, the private sector and civil society contribute to responsible governance in small-scale mining. Abandoned mining sites are rehabilitated. The measures are cofinanced by the Australian Government (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, DFAT).
The ability to adapt to the effects of climate change in this highly vulnerable country is strengthened through national action plans, systematic consideration in key policy areas and public relations work. For instance, adaptation projects are implemented at community level. This work is cofinanced by the European Union.
Agricultural/forestry value chains improve incomes in households in the DIANA/Ambilobe region. To safeguard the natural production base

- 980,000 hectares of forest and conservation areas are protected through usage rights and the local population supports the endeavour.
- 6,430 households, of which some 35 per cent are women, have been able to improve their income by an average of 77 per cent through activities in the promoted value chains such as honey, raffia, timber, ‘green’ charcoal or ecotourism.
- Today, Madagascar has improved legal and institutional instruments for sustainable development. At government level, there is a forestry and an environmental policy, as well as strategies for restoring woodlands and for the supply of wood fuel.87 communities and three regions have land-use plans.
- In small-scale mining, 135 gemstone miners were trained to be able to assess the quality of their finds better and strengthen their sales position. 30 women process and sell costume jewellery made from less valuable stones, which has helped them increase their income.