Promoting social participation, human rights and a culture of peace
Project description
Title: Strengthening social participation and human rights, promoting non-violent social relations for a democratic culture of peace
Commissioning party: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Guatemala
Overall term: 2021 to 2023

Guatemala is experiencing a period in which there are fewer and fewer institutions committed to working for peace and justice. Moreover, the former president expelled the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala, CICIG), censorship is rife and the Government has stopped international cooperation in some areas. This means that people who advocate human rights, community interests, environmental protection, a free press and an independent judiciary are being persecuted and criminalised.
In addition, the parliament has passed a series of ultraconservative laws, which is a systematic setback for holistic development. It is also restricting the rights and participation of civil society – especially in the case of indigenous people, women, young people and the LGBTIQ+ community.
A rise in poverty and increasing social inequality are endangering the survival of indigenous peoples and rural communities. Structural weaknesses are becoming apparent in all areas of life.
Social participation and the recognition and implementation of the rights of disadvantaged groups have increased. Current and past conflicts involving human rights violations are being addressed.
Civil society and governmental partner organisations and also peace experts are
- implementing new methodological approaches for rapprochement and dialogue,
- supporting networks in accessing differentiated information, involving different population groups,
- promoting the rights of particularly vulnerable groups such as women, indigenous peoples and victims of human rights violations,
- developing non-violent and constructive solutions in conflict situations,
- addressing serious human rights violations from the past through transitional justice,
- monitoring and analysing current human rights violations.
Last update: July 2022