European Union

Whether it is combating climate change, promoting business and employment, supporting sustainable agriculture, strengthening human rights or helping displaced people, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH addresses a broad range of issues in Europe and across the globe both with and for the European Union (EU).

European Union

More than half of the funding invested across the globe in development cooperation comes from the EU and its member states. The EU also plays an important role by creating policy frameworks and facilitating exchange between experts, for example through committees and conferences.

EU development priorities

The EU’s engagement extends to more than 150 countries, from Armenia to Zambia. The 2017 European Consensus on Development forms the development framework for the EU’s external action. Its main objectives are to eliminate poverty and concomitantly to promote the sustainable development of partner countries. The measures outlined in the consensus also serve to implement the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. In accordance with the EU Global Strategy on foreign affairs and security, development policy is to be increasingly linked to the objectives of this strategy – specifically security, migration, humanitarian aid, trade and climate. GIZ is a respected partner and can offer valuable support when it comes to addressing these challenges.

Cooperation between GIZ and the EU

In terms of practical implementation, GIZ boasts a wide-ranging portfolio. It has been working with the EU since as long ago as the early 1980s – and not only in developing countries and emerging economies. Accession candidates and potential candidate countries are accompanied in their convergence with the EU. In the EU’s eastern neighbouring countries, GIZ supports transformation processes in the justice system, administration, business and the energy sector, but also in the development of the private sector and vocational education and training.

Job opportunities, higher incomes, and promoting small and medium-sized enterprises and better working conditions are also top priorities elsewhere in the world. In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, GIZ is working with partners to create more jobs and training opportunities that particularly benefit young people as part of the Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D) initiative.

EU-funded projects in Africa ensure stabilisation, protect displaced people and open up better prospects for the future. In Central Africa, for instance, GIZ is improving living conditions and promoting the peaceful coexistence of the local population and displaced people. GIZ is also handling the logistics and security strategy for European election observation missions on behalf of the EU.

Combating climate change and expanding the use of renewable energy are also a priority. Investment and sustainable energy solutions are being promoted throughout Africa. In the Pacific region, GIZ is working with the German Government and the EU to help the Pacific Islands combat climate change and is assisting Latin American countries in achieving their agreed climate goals.


A woman deposits a ballot paper in a ballot box.

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