
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been supporting Lebanon’s economic and social development for more than 40 years.

Lebanon is facing an unprecedented economic and financial crisis. Poverty rates are increasing rapidly, and the country is also suffering from the aftermath of the explosion in Beirut in August 2020, and the repercussions of COVID-19. Therefore, the population is confronted with a persistent lack of prospects and job opportunities—women, youth, and refugees being the most vulnerable groups. Companies, specifically the country’s micro, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), need support to continue their business. As the country with the highest percentage of refugees worldwide relative to the total population, Lebanon’s already fragile infrastructure as well as public schools are under severe pressure. These issues led to increasing social tensions and the need for psychosocial support.

Working mainly on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), with substantial co-funding from the European Union (EU), GIZ works in the following areas in Lebanon:

  • Economic development and employment
  • Education
  • Security, reconstruction and peace

To create job opportunities and better economic prospects for the people in the country, projects combine several measures. This includes improving vocational education and training, supporting job matching and coaching services and creating short-term employment opportunities for Lebanese and Syrian refugees. Moreover, MSMEs and start-ups, specifically in the agricultural sector, receive support, with a focus on food processing.

To provide better education for Lebanese and Syrian students the projects promote sustainable facility management, support innovative school facilities, and are currently introducing tools for e-learning and blended learning.

Furthermore, Palestinian refugees receive support to improve their living conditions on individual and structural levels. Moreover, COVID-19 related support helps ease the pressure on Palestinian refugees and Lebanon’s healthcare system.

To enhance peaceful coexistence, empower women, and nurture the social participation of young people, multiple projects foster mutual understanding and dialogue between the different population groups in Lebanon. Additionally, these projects are backing civil society actors and governmental organisations in providing mental health and psychosocial support and to prevent gender-based violence.

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Projects and Programmes

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Our featured projects

Four people are planting trees.

Taking the initiative for their own future

Our references

Getting through the pandemic with a plan