Training of teachers in vocational education
Project description
Title: Pre-service and in-service training for vocational education teachers/Train the trainers (TTT)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Co-funded by: Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
Country: Palestinian territories
Lead executing agency: Higher Council for Technical Vocational Education and Training (Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Ministry of Labour, Umbrella organisation of the chambers of commerce, industry and agriculture)
Overall term: 2017 to 2021

The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) adopted an education strategy in 2008, one focus of which is the training of teaching staff. This is seen as fundamental to the adaptation of vocational training programmes to meet the needs of the labour market. Palestine still lacks the necessary legal framework for establishing high-quality teacher training for the long term. Appropriate laws are urgently required to improve initial and further vocational training. This is the only way to ensure the successful implementation of the education reform. The strategy pays special attention to developing the capacity of the Ministry of Education and the relevant authorities. This will enable them to manage the education system efficiently and sustainably.
The 2010 vocational training strategy sets out further goals. This aims to put in place a framework for employment and qualifications, while establishing the legal basis for vocational training and a uniform vocational training system. In addition, training institutions are to be developed organisationally and teaching and learning processes expanded. The strategy should improve vocational training courses and secure them for the long term.
In September 2018, MOEHE introduced vocational training courses in general education schools to promote vocational training as a desirable alternative to an academic career.
The skills of vocational training professionals have improved.

The project works in three fields of activity. In the first field, it provides advice on the development of a legal and formal set of rules. The second focuses on professional preparations and further training for vocational training staff and managers of vocational schools. And in the third field of activity, the project is developing a qualification system for in-company training staff.
The activities cover the entire Palestinian territories. Since December 2018, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) has been supporting the project with additional financing. The project is using these funds to improve the underlying conditions for careers guidance and vocational training services. Measures intended to develop the performance of vocational school teachers and in-company training staff have been supplemented with practical content.
The project supports the creation of vocational training departments in general schools as well as the provision of training to those teachers put in charge of the new careers guidance measures at lower secondary level. A concept is also in preparation to set up a teacher training institute. Through sports activities, the project teaches young people life skills and introduces schoolchildren to vocational schools, by means of organised visits and summer camps.
Together with the partners, the project has developed first drafts of vocational standards for the occupations of vocational school teacher and in-company trainer. It was also involved in an advisory capacity in the drafting of a vocational training act, which is currently being worked on. Moreover, the project has developed a training programme for teachers and in-company trainers. So far, some 428 vocational school teachers, 64 school principals and 173 in-company trainers have already received further training. Sixteen companies have now taken part in practical training courses in selected occupational fields. Ten of these have concluded binding agreements with schools for the joint training of vocational students in the future. The project has equipped 23 vocational training departments in general education schools and given 200 children from Gaza an opportunity to take part in careers guidance measures. It has also supported children in developing digital applications for children's rights, which are now used to raise awareness of children's rights.