Global carbon market – Tunisia
Project description
Title: Country manager project: Global Carbon Market
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Country: Tunisia
Lead executing agency: National Agency for Energy Management (ANME)
Overall term: 2018 to 2023

Tunisia is increasingly affected by the consequences of global climate change. In order to counteract rising emissions, the North African country has set itself ambitious goals within the scope of the Paris Climate Agreement. Tunisia’s nationally determined contribution (NDC) entails a 41-per cent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 compared with 2010.
To achieve this, Tunisia is increasingly working on restructuring its economy to be fit for the future with low emissions. For example, the Tunisian Government is planning wide-ranging emission reductions in the areas of energy, transport, industry, agriculture, waste management and wastewater. There is great reduction potential in cement production in particular, which is responsible for some 14 per cent of the country’s overall emissions. The use of national and international market mechanisms and carbon pricing can be an effective method for lowering greenhouse gas emissions within the country.
Public and private decision-makers are taking part in international negotiations on new carbon markets. They are creating the necessary structures and processes to implement Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
The project supports the Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME), Ministry of Local Affairs and Environment and other actors from the public and private sectors in using national and international market mechanisms for emissions reduction.
It analyses the national reduction potentials in various economic sectors, such as the emission-intensive cement industry, that are suitable for piloting national and international market mechanisms.
The project is also piloting the production of low-clinker cement and providing support for the reuse of waste products (known as co-processing), which can enable emission reductions in this field.
Last update: September 2021