Promoting economic participation for disadvantaged groups

Project description

Title: Fostering economic participation of vulnerable groups including internally displaced persons in Ukraine
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Ukraine
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Overall term: 2020 to 2024


Ukraine’s economy is suffering from structural problems such as outdated production processes and a small number of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). In addition, job placement services and state support for the private sector and investment are insufficiently developed. The outdated vocational education and training system, demographic development of Ukraine and migration exacerbate the existing shortage of skilled workers. In addition, Russia’s war of aggression in 2022 has significantly aggravated the situation for society and the economy.

MSMEs need professional advice and financial contributions to reorientate businesses and open up new supply chains and sales markets. Often, companies that have relocated from conflict zones also require new production equipment, machinery and a skilled workforce.

The situation of disadvantaged groups is particularly problematic in times of war. In addition to women, they also include the long-term unemployed, young people, people with disabilities and veterans. Without employment and adequate income, they are denied essential elements of economic participation – such as self-determination, personal responsibility and participation in social life.


The economic participation of the population, especially of disadvantaged groups, is improved.


The project primarily supports disadvantaged groups in enhancing their entrepreneurial skills by means of further training and internships. The aim is to improve participants’ entry into professional life.

Already established micro and small enterprises as well as enterprises that have had to relocate from dangerous conflict zones receive financial contributions and professional advice to enable them to stabilise and adapt their business processes.

For local and regional institutions particularly affected by the war, the projects supports efforts to strengthen their structures so that they are able to provide services to the local population and IDPs despite the challenges they face.

Last update: October 2022

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