Vier Personen in Schutzkleidung betrachten das Display einer CNC-Maschine während eines praktischen Trainings in Südgobi in der Mongolei.

Cooperative technical and vocational education and training II

Kooperative Berufsbildung II

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  • Commissioning Party

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Lead executing agency


  • Overall term

    2024 to 2026

  • Products and expertise

    Wirtschaft und Beschäftigung


The quality and quantity of Mongolia's TVET system is currently unable to meet the demand for skilled workers for a broad, growing economy. There is a lack of structured involvement of the business community in TVET. Vocational schools lack the financial resources and skills to design training programmes in line with companies’ needs.

The allocation of public funding to vocational schools is based on inputssuch as the number of teachers and students. The actual costs of the vocational training, the specific situation of the vocational school and its quantitative and qualitative performance are not taken into account.

The Mongolian Government, in particular the Ministry of Education and Science (MEDS), is therefore pushing ahead a TVET reform, underpinned by the amended TVET Act. This reform offers the opportunity to better adapt TVET to the needs of the labour market and make it more efficient. To harness this potential, the human and institutional capacities of the institutions involved need to be developed.

Two women work on a machine as part of a TVET course in Mongolia.


The regulatory and institutional conditions are in place to implement selected core elements of the TVET reform in Mongolia.


The project supports MEDS in developing criteria for performance-related funding for vocational schools. It also focuses on developing and integrating gender-appropriate criteria.

In addition, the project advises MEDS and the social partners on designing a Mongolian model for dual vocational training.

Last update: February 2024

Young people in protective clothing work in partner groups on a technical test setup in a mechatronics training course in Darkhan-Uul province in Mongolia.

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