
GIZ local staff

National employees: 193
International employees: 14
Development workers: 4
Integrated experts: 1

(as at: 31.12.2023)  

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has been working in Ecuador since 1962.

Ecuador is among the countries with the highest levels of biodiversity. However, climate change, environmental pollution and exploitation of natural resources threaten these ecosystems. Not only does this affect the wellbeing of inhabitants, it also endangers the country’s economic development as the rich biodiversity holds great potential. Another challenge lies in the rapid growth of urban areas which carries along a need for mobility and granting basic services to a larger number of people. Moreover, over five million refugees and migrants who left their countries because of ongoing crises have come to Ecuador during the last years. This rapid movement leads to challenges in granting public services to migrants, particularly in border regions. In addition, violence against women is a major concern in Ecuador’s society. Combatting it is one of the priorities for the social development of Ecuador.

In Ecuador, GIZ’ main activities are in the following areas

  • Environment and natural resources
  • Climate and energy
  • Peaceful and inclusive societies 

In the field of environment and natural resources, GIZ works towards conserving biodiversity, forests and sources of water by bringing together local governments, research institutions and civil society. It also promotes joint research projects between Ecuadorian and German universities. Furthermore, GIZ supports national strategies to protect the environment and to fight climate change. These measures do not only protect biodiversity: many communities have increased their incomes through the support received. Moreover, the projects support small farmers in using good agricultural practices. This will result in sustainable supply chains and help to conserve the ecosystems.

In urban areas, GIZ develops solutions to current climate-related problems in so-called ‘urban laboratories. The topics range from sustainable mobility and energy efficiency to the interrelation of cities with their surrounding rural areas, along with food security, safety and neighbourhood improvement. So far, the projects have reached about 40 per cent of Ecuador’s population.

In the field of peaceful and inclusive societies, the programmes support communities on the northern border in protecting the rights of refugees and migrants and promoting peaceful coexistence between refugees and host communities. Moreover, GIZ has developed campaigns that promote the prevention of violence against women and girls and offers education on gender equality and empowerment of women. GIZ further promotes integrity and mechanisms for citizen participation to promote the prevention of corruption among private and public institutions.

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Projects and Programmes

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