Press kit

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Global challenges do not stop at borders. The same goes for climate change, migration and political conflicts. Overlapping crises have an impact on Europe and on Germany, too. At this year’s annual press conference, Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, Chair of the GIZ Management Board, explained the triple impact of international cooperation. First, GIZ achieves results in the partner countries for every individual person that it supports. Second, it achieves results in around 120 countries, by creating prospects and more stable conditions. Third, the results that GIZ achieves around the world have a medium and long-term impact in Germany. In 2023, more than 25,600 people from 152 countries worked for GIZ. Business volume in 2023 was EUR 3.96 billion. This press kit contains the 2023 Integrated Company Report, the speech given by the Chair of the Management Board and the corresponding press release. 

Persisting, overlapping crises are posing challenges for the global community and for international cooperation. To be able to continue to act swiftly, appropriately and effectively in future, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is adapting its services. At the Annual Press Conference 2023, Chair of the Management Board Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel announced that GIZ will be focusing on becoming even more digital, flexible and collaborative. The multiple crises and the dawning of a new era in world politics mean change: the focus is now on sustainably alleviating existential gaps in development and the repercussions of these crises in the global South, and making states more resilient. GIZ has over 25,000 staff worldwide and generated a business volume of around EUR 4 billion in 2022. This press kit contains the 2022 Integrated Company Report, the speech given by the Chair of the Management Board and the corresponding press release.

The world is in flux, conflicts are on the rise, and climate change continues to progress. In view of these interlocking crises, Tanja Gönner, Chair of the Management Board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, stressed at this year’s annual press conference that global challenges can only be tackled through joint action. This is especially true of engagement in fragile countries. Gönner emphasised that this is the decade for action and cooperation. GIZ’s business figures for 2021 illustrate the growing importance of international cooperation: At around EUR 3.7 billion, business volume increased by 11 per cent year on year. This press kit contains the 2021 Integrated Company Report, the speech given by the Chair of the Management Board and the corresponding press release.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated various crises and intensified problems such as poverty, hunger and social inequalities. However, the crisis also provides an opportunity to shape the coming decade and make it even more sustainable in the spirit of a social and ecological market economy. This was the message from Tanja Gönner, Chair of the Management Board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, at this year’s annual press conference. Together with commissioning parties and cooperation partners on the ground, GIZ launched emergency COVID-19 support measures worth EUR 253 million last year and reached more than 208 million people through information campaigns related to COVID-19. Business volume increased in 2020 to EUR 3.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of nine per cent. You can find further information in the press kit.

International cooperation is pivotal to managing the current coronavirus crisis and its impact in less developed countries. This was the clear message given by Tanja Gönner, Chair of the Management Board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, at this year’s annual press conference held by the federal enterprise. The pandemic shows that we are intrinsically linked at a global level, explained Gönner. Against the backdrop of growing global fragility, international cooperation has become more and more important in recent years. GIZ’s business volume increased by 43 per cent between 2015 and 2019, with EUR 3.1 billion recorded last year. This press kit contains the Integrated Company Report 2019, the speech given by the Chair of the Management Board and the corresponding press release.

Climate change is already threatening many people’s livelihoods with developing countries and emerging economies particularly affected. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is therefore working worldwide on behalf of the German Government in the areas of climate and energy. At the annual press conference in Berlin, Tanja Gönner, Chair of GIZ’s Management Board, noted that international cooperation was vital if climate change were to be reversed globally. GIZ’s business volume totalled around EUR 3 billion, an increase of 17 per cent. This press kit contains the Integrated Company Report 2018, the speech given by the Chair of the Management Board and the corresponding press release.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is committed to improving the living conditions of millions of women, men and children across the globe on behalf of the German Government. For people to have a good quality of life, they also need a job that enables them to feed themselves and their families. Because employment shapes futures, as emphasised by Tanja Gönner, Chair of the GIZ Management Board, at the company’s annual press conference in Berlin. The growing importance of international cooperation is also reflected in GIZ’s business figures: in 2017, the company’s business volume increased by almost seven per cent to around EUR 2.6 billion. This press kit contains the Integrated Company Report 2017, the speech given by the Chair of the Management Board and the corresponding press release.

Crisis prevention and stabilisation are becoming increasingly important in the work of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. People need access, for instance, to properly functioning state services, to food and health care, and to education and employment. As Chair of the GIZ Management Board Tanja Gönner stated at the annual press conference in Berlin, international cooperation is vital in this context. This is also reflected in GIZ’s business figures. The business volume for 2016 stood at EUR 2.4 billion, a 14 per cent year-on-year increase. This pack contains the 2016 Integrated Company Report, the speech given by the Chair of the Management Board and the press release.

The services of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH are in high demand, as Tanja Gönner, Chair of the GIZ Management Board, noted during the annual press conference in Berlin. In 2014, the company’s business volume reached EUR 2.03 billion – an increase of EUR 100 million compared with 2013. This pack contains the Integrated Company Report 2014, the speech given by the Chair of the Management Board and the press release.

Three years after the company began operating as GIZ, it has become more of a global player than ever in international cooperation, as Tanja Gönner, Chair of the Management Board, reported at the annual press conference in Berlin. In 2013, the company’s business volume was EUR 1.9 billion. This press pack contains the Company Report 2013, the speech given by the Chair of the Management Board and the press release.

At the annual press conference in Berlin, Tanja Gönner, Chair of the GIZ Management Board, said she was very pleased with developments over the past year. In 2012 the company’s business volume was EUR 2.1 billion. In this press kit you will find a copy of the 2012 Company Report, the speech given by the Chair of the Management Board and a press release summing up the main points.

At the annual press conference in Berlin, Chairman of the GIZ Management Board Bernd Eisenblätter said he was very satisfied with GIZ’s first year. In 2011, the company achieved a record business volume of two billion euros, a year-on-year increase of 10%. This press kit contains the speech given by the Chairman of the Management Board and a press release summarising the most important points.

Die GIZ informiert über ihr Engagement vor, während und nach der EM in der Ukraine in dieser Pressemappe. Einzelne Projekte werden hier ausführlich vorgestellt. Zu jedem Thema stehen interessierten Redaktionen GIZ-Experten für Interviews zur Verfügung.