Promoting better social participation between people on the move and local population in host regions of the Western Balkans

Social participation of people on the move and local population in host regions of the Western Balkans

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2022 to 2025

  • Products and expertise

    Governance and Democracy


In recent years, the Western Balkans have seen an increase in the number of people on the move passing through. While some are fleeing harsh economic conditions, many are escaping conflicts, insecurity, violence and persecution. In the host regions they face linguistic and cultural barriers as well as challenges in participating in social, economic and cultural life.

Most people on the move shelter in reception facilities or live in informal settings. They receive limited support and usually have no income. Other problems are limited access to social services, no protection against discrimination and exploitation and often no regular legal status.

But many host communities also face economic challenges, high unemployment, social inequalities and inadequate infrastructure and services. This situation is exacerbated by insufficient support from national governments and increasing competition for resources, which puts additional strain on public services.


People on the move and the local population of host communities in Serbia as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina have enhanced their individual skills and social interaction.


The project aims to improve the living situation of people on the move and the local population in selected host communities. It focuses on three fields of action to achieve its goals:

  • Providing tailored training to enhance the professional and life skills of people on the move and local population.
  • Promoting social interaction in different formats and activities related to culture, dialogue and sports between people on the move and the local population.
  • Improving coordination mechanisms related to people on the move at local level and sharing good practices through the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe (NALAS).

Last update: March 2023