© GIZ / Dirk Ostermeier

Supporting pharmaceutical production in Rwanda

Support to establishing the Rwanda pharma and biotechnology sector

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2022 to 2025

  • Involved

    Rwanda Food and Drug Authority

  • Products and expertise

    Economic development and employment


Although medical care in Rwanda has improved significantly in recent years, the country is still dependent on imports of medicine and vaccines. The Rwandan Government is therefore striving to establish a regional centre for pharmaceutical and biotechnological production, which will include the production plant currently being realised by German company BioNTech Rwanda.

In order to increase private sector investment in the sector and produce more medicine in the country, including vaccines, the necessary framework conditions must first be created. To achieve this, governmental and non-governmental leaders in Rwanda requires additional skills.


The conditions in Rwanda for establishing the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector have improved.


The project enhances competences of employees working at Rwandan authorities so that better advisory services can be offered to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector. At the same time, it supports the Rwanda Food and Drug Authority (RFDA) in improving its organisation. Processes and structures, communication as well as roles and responsibilities within the RFDA are analysed, recommendations are made and implemented.

The project also encourages Rwandan institutions to network with responsible regional and international stakeholders from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector. Participants attend conferences and then contribute their new knowledge to the development of the sector in Rwanda.

Last update: April 2024

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