Expanding digital skills of students in Asia

Digital Skills to Succeed in Asia (DS2S) – Future-Ready Learning for Careers in the Digital Age

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Runtime

    2023 to 2026

  • Products and expertise

    Economic development and employment


The increasing digitalisation of processes is leading to profound changes in the global labour market, resulting in a growing demand for digital skilled employees. This shift particularly affects young university graduates. The World Economic Forum highlights that 54 per cent of the global workforce needs to further develop their digital skills to meet current industry demands.

However, young graduates, especially in Asia, encounter various challenges. They often lack practical, job-relevant skills. In addition, they often have noticeable skills gaps with regard to digital technologies. Moreover, there is a significant gender imbalance: Young women in the Asia-Pacific region are three times more likely to be classified as NEETs ('not in education, employment, or training') compared to their male peers. Inadequate digital skills training further exacerbates the gender gap.


Young university students in Asia have enhanced digital skills, positioning them for success in the labour market and advancing their careers in the digital era.

A young student using a game controller to program a humanoid robot in a technical course setting.© GIZ


The regional development cooperation project Digital Skills to Succeed in Asia (DS2S) aims to promote digital skills among university students, particularly in non-technical subjects. To achieve this goal, the project adopts an international multi-stakeholder approach and collaborates with partners from Asia and Germany. The most important activities of the project include:

  • Establishing a network of partners and country hubs in Asia: The project facilitates collaboration and dialogue among universities and research institutions from Germany, India, Viet Nam, and Bangladesh. Additionally, the country hubs act as centres of innovation, advancing digital skills education across the region.
  • Faculty training: Faculty members are trained to impart contemporary digital competencies, develop modern learning materials, and integrate innovative teaching methods such as Design Thinking into their instruction.
  • Developing quality-tested micro-credentials: Providing young non-tech students with both foundational and advanced digital skills in Artificial Intelligence (AI), data, and digital entrepreneurship. The course programme is collaboratively designed by experts from Germany, Bangladesh, India, and Viet Nam.

Last update: August 2024

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