A man speaking on stage at an event.

Promoting a strong judiciary and the prosecution of corruption in Central America and the Caribbean

Promotion of the rule of law in Central America and the Caribbean

A man holding a talk at an event in front of an audience of people with laptops and notebooks.


In Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic, the judiciary system is weakened. Courts and public prosecutors are unable to investigate and make decisions quickly, transparently and in a way that is free from discrimination and corruption. Courts susceptible to influence, limited prosecution of corruption, and discriminatory structures within the judiciary mean that court proceedings are frequently intransparent and inefficient.

In addition to this, groups in particular need of protection such as survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex community (LGBTI) and the indigenous population experience discrimination and barriers – the judiciary does not record all reports, ignores people’s rights and does not provide sufficient support during the process.


The judiciary is incorruptible and transparent, corruption is prosecuted and the criminal justice system treats people in a non-discriminatory way – particularly groups in need of protection.

People standing and sitting together for a photo at an event.


The project is working with a project team from the partner institutions and also involves civil society organisations in its work. The activities cover three priority areas:

Training courses and awareness-raising events as well as improved internal controls and investigations support efforts to ensure judges’ actions are incorruptible and transparent.

The project also intends to reduce corruption through better criminal prosecution. To this end, it organises training courses on investigating corruption geared towards staff working in the public prosecutor’s office and the judiciary. It also works closely with civil society so that the government and administration can have less influence.

In addition, the project is committed to improving access to justice and non-discriminatory treatment by the criminal justice system, particularly for groups in particular need of protection. To this end, it raises awareness among employees regarding vulnerable groups and advises people of their rights.

Numerous people standing and sitting together for a photo at an event.

Last update: October 2023