A boy wearing headphones sits in front of a laptop.

Promoting trust in information and reducing disinformation

Strengthening the trustworthiness of information in West Africa

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Co-financier

    European External Action Service (EEAS)

  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2026

  • Products and expertise

    Governance and democracy

People sit in front of laptop screens.


The manipulation of information aims to influence truths, beliefs and attitudes within societies.

Today's disinformation campaigns often use digital solutions for this purpose. Modern technologies, data-based business models, internet platforms with a strong reach, automated programs (bots) and paid commentators and so-called troll armies spread disinformation more quickly, easily and globally.

A change in media behaviour is reinforcing this development – journalistic media are no longer gatekeepers that classify and separate information and filter what is correct, relevant, irrelevant or incorrect.

Notes with key points are pinned to a wall.

Instead, users can spread information unfiltered via online channels or word of mouth. Content that receives a lot of attention on social media is also often picked up by newspapers, radio and television stations. Due to financial incentives from clicks and advertising money, traditional media can contribute to the spread of misinformation if exaggerated or false information with a wide reach is published unchecked.


The handling of disinformation in selected countries in West Africa has improved.


The project supports existing initiatives and trains key actors from civil society, traditional media and social media (influencers) along with state actors in identifying, monitoring and dealing with disinformation. The project is based on a whole-of-society approach.

The project does not plan to control content or actively intervene in disinformation narratives.

Last update: January 2024

Devices at a radio station

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