Energy Partnership Chile-Alemania
Project description
Title: Energy Partnership Chile-Alemania
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Lead executing agency: Chilean Ministry of Energy
Country: Chile
Overall term: 2019 to 2023

In 2019, the former German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy – today: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) – and the Chilean Ministry of Energy signed a declaration of intent to found the Energy Partnership (EP) Chile-Alemania. The Energy Partnership focuses on expanding renewable energies and energy efficiency.
The EP encourages dialogue between high-ranking policy-makers in the two countries, representatives from industry, associations and research and financial institutions. The goal of this exchange is to support national energy policy to the benefit of a climate-friendly, country-wide, secure and affordable energy supply in Chile.
The Energy Partnership Chile-Alemania is part of the global programme on Supporting Bilateral Energy Partnerships in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies. GIZ supports the BMWK in implementing and conceptually developing energy partnerships with Algeria, Brazil, Chile, China, Ethiopia, India, Jordan, Mexico, Morocco, South Africa and Tunisia, and in developing new dialogue structures with further developing countries and emerging economies.

The dialogue between Chilean and German stakeholders from politics and business is well established and institutionalised. The technology transfer and further training courses initiated by the Energy Partnership have increasingly strengthened the market for renewable energies and energy efficiency and are contributing to the energy transition.
The project organises regular meetings at a senior political level between the two Ministries of Energy. It promotes the exchange of knowledge between the two countries, for example through expert events that address questions of technical cooperation in the expansion of renewable energies and energy efficiency.
Moreover, representatives of public institutions, industry, associations and research and financial institutions are integrated, for instance through workshops and educational trips. The project also promotes e-mobility, geothermal energy, digitalisation and land-use planning. It connects to existing energy projects and creates new synergies.

At the same time, the Energy Partnership uses the network of long-standing working relationships and builds on the great interest of German company representatives in the Chilean energy market.
The Partnership is between the BMWK and the Chilean Ministry of Energy.
Other key stakeholders are:
- German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
- German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
- Federal Foreign Office (AA)
- German-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CAMCHAL)
- Coordinador Electrico Nacional (CEN)
- Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles (SEC)
- Comisión Nacional de Energía (CNE)
- Chilean State Production Development Corporation (CORFO)
- Chilean Ministry of the Environment (MinMa)
- Chilean Sustainable Energy Agency (Agencia SE)
With the support of GIZ, two permanent secretariats with headquarters in Santiago de Chile and Berlin have been set up to implement the Energy Partnership. They serve as the first point of contact and as an information platform for the activities of the Energy Partnership.
Last update: December 2022