Various colorful spices and food in baskets and bowls. ©

Procurement and Financing – GIZ as a public contracting authority

As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH works closely with the private sector and with universities and specialist institutions. It thus regards the private sector, and consulting firms in particular, as essential partners that enable it to fulfil its tasks. 

GIZ is a public contracting authority, which means it is obliged to publicly tender contracts to third parties in keeping with the rules explained in the following pages. GIZ contract awarding procedures are transparent, competitive and economically efficient. This applies equally to contracts for supplies (materials and equipment) and to contracts for services and construction work.

Furthermore, GIZ also grants financing. In such cases, it provides the recipient with a financial contribution that is earmarked for a specific purpose in order to implement certain development measures. Recipients of funding include the implementing partners of GIZ projects in partner countries or German and international public-benefit organisations and institutions. 

Compliance and transparency

As a federal enterprise, GIZ conducts its procurement activities in accordance with the principles of compliance, corruption prevention and transparency. These principles are upheld by means of statutory regulations and our own internal procurement provisions.

This means that fair bidding and procurement reflecting market prices and sustainability can be verifiably guaranteed at all times thanks to internal and external rules and documentation. We always select the most economically advantageous bid in a transparent and predictable manner on the basis of previously defined selection and award criteria.

Our Compliance Management System ensures that the pertinent principles and rules are upheld. 

Reports on the procurement of goods and services

Our procurement reports contain information about the contracts we have awarded for services, financing and materials and equipment. These reports are broken down by region, type of contractor and sector.

Additional information