Promoting economic development through digitalisation

Project description

Title: Digital Transformation in Togo
Commissioned by​​​​​​​: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)​​​​​​​
Country​​​​​​​: Togo
Lead executing agency​​​​​​​: Ministère de la planification du développement et de l'aménagement du territoire / Ministry of Development Planning and Land Use Planning
Overall term​​​​​​​: 2022 to 2025

Digital Transformation Center Togo logo


Digitalisation in Togo has picked up speed in recent years. With its digitalisation strategy, the Togolese Government wants to make the country a regional Hub for digitalisation and innovation by 2025. Implementation mainly focuses on social inclusion and on modernising the Togolese economy through digitalisation. In order to jointly achieve a fundamental economic transformation, the country strives to make the cooperation between public-sector and private-sector stakeholders more dynamic, create synergies and pool skills.

Another goal is to promote the competitiveness of both digital companies and non-digital small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as to unlock the country’s innovative potential.


Synergies of public and private initiatives contribute to advancing Togo’s digital transformation.


The project works closely with the state digitalisation agency (Agence Togo Digital, ATD) to drive digital transformation projects in collaboration with private stakeholders.

Additional graphic for the Digital Transformation Center Togo logo

Similarly, collaboration with government and private actors is envisaged, in order to shape a local digital ecosystem that promotes digital innovation. For example, the project aims to strengthen support structures for companies in order to develop offers for entrepreneurs from the digital industry. Lack of access to financing remains a major barrier to digital entrepreneurship and the diffusion of business models, especially for women. Therefore, the project also aims to build an investor network to improve support services in this area.

In addition, the project wants to work with Togolese partners to improve the services that accompany non-digital SMEs in their digital transformation and promote both their competitiveness and innovative potential.

Last update: November 2022

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