Climate-adapted and equitable use of water resources in the Lake Chad River Basin
Applied Water Resource Management in the Lake Chad Basin
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ
Political sponsors
2023 to 2025
Products and expertise
Climate, environment, natural resource management

With its vast expanse of arable and grazing land and rich fish stocks, the Lake Chad Basin is crucial for the economic and ecological development of the neighbouring countries Chad, Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon, the Central African Republic and Libya. However, the ecosystem is under immense pressure as people place heavy demands on water resources and increasingly pollute them. As a result, conflicts between population groups are on the rise.
The Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) aims to promote the climate- and environmentally friendly and equitable use of cross-border water resources and in this way, defuse potential conflicts. However, to do so, the Commission requires the practical experience to implement appropriate measures, the expertise to advise member countries effectively and the financial resources.
The LCBC is capable of advising its member countries on how to organise water resources in an environmentally friendly, climate-adapted, gender-responsive and conflict-mitigating way.

The project supports the LCBC in developing instruments to monitor and conserve water resources. For example, it promotes the collection and processing of information and data in the Lake Chad Basin Information System. It also contributes to the development of a forum for the LCBC to provide targeted advise to its member countries.
A partner platform on the Logone River, which enables the LCBC to identify priority local challenges together with key stakeholders and interest groups, is also receiving support from the project. The challenges are then mitigated through the implementation of joint measures.
Furthermore, the project trains fishermen, farmers and livestock breeders, for example, to become trainers so that they can share their knowledge of climate-adapted agricultural practices that conserve resources. This includes using drought-resistant seeds and collecting rainwater.

Last update: November 2023