Small green islands surrounded by turquoise sea.

Coastal and marine protection in the Western Indian Ocean region and promotion of an inclusive and sustainable blue economy

Western Indian Ocean Governance Initiative (WIOGI)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2020 to 2024

  • Products and expertise

    Climate, environment, natural resource management


The coastal and marine ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean are home to unique biological diversity. At the same time, they are important for the food security and economic development of the over 60 million people who live in the coastal states of the region. These are Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, Seychelles, the Comoros, Mauritius and Réunion (France).

Increased global demand for natural resources such as fish, and negative factors like pollution, climate change and unsustainable economic activities are threatening the region’s coastal and marine resources. Collective leadership between states, the private sector and civil society actors is crucial for an inclusive and sustainable blue economy and ultimately for conserving biodiversity in the region.


Cooperation between relevant regional and local stakeholders has improved in order to protect and utilise marine and coastal biodiversity in the Western Indian Ocean region in an environmentally friendly way.


The project works in partnership with the Nairobi Convention, the intergovernmental legal framework and coordination mechanism for regional marine conservation in the Western Indian Ocean. The project involves a variety of stakeholders to address regional needs while achieving local impact. The project’s approach is participatory and sensitive to conflict and gender. To do so, it implements three components:

  1. Improving local coastal management structures and promoting an inclusive and environmentally friendly blue economy
  2. Promoting private sector involvement in implementing solutions for an inclusive and sustainable blue economy
  3. Developing an inclusive sustainable blue economy and partnerships between a wide range of stakeholders in Mozambique and Tanzania

Last update: March 2024

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