A woman is practicing to stich a heart with a sewing machine. © GIZ/Ashraful Huda

Empowering Women through Skills Development

Skills Training and Employment Promotion for Women Workers in Bangladesh (ADVANTAGE)

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Country
  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2024 to 2027

  • Products and expertise

    Economic development and employment


Bangladesh has a shortage of skilled workers. This is due to a lack of access to vocational education and training as well as a lack of quality of skills development. The mismatch between supply and demand for skilled labor is exacerbated by gender inequality and hinders women from participating in the workforce. Women face structural obstacles: gender stereotypes, limited networks, occupational inequality, caregiving burdens and restrictive social norms prevent them from participating in education and employment. These challenges are worsened by the lack of gender equality measures in educational institutions. To promote the country's economic and social progress, it is essential that women are increasingly involved in further training and employment measures.

A woman operates a machine, with her reflection visible on the machine’s surface. © GIZ/Ashraful Huda


Selected elements of the skill development system in Bangladesh are geared more towards the needs of young, disadvantaged women.

A woman wearing blue protective glasses stands behind a machine. © GIZ/Ashraful Hudda


The project builds capacities of skills training providers to offer labor market-oriented training that takes gender equality into account. Vocational training programs must systematically integrate gender-transformative approaches. The measures include:

  • Gender-specific training frameworks: develop inclusive and transformative strategies, innovative approaches and practical training guidelines.
  • Sensitization: raise awareness of gender equality, encourage the change of stereotypes and promote equality for women in education and the labour market.
  • Cooperation: cooperate with selected education and training institutions in Dhaka as well as with line ministries, representatives of the private sector, non-governmental organizations and international partners.


A woman wearing a yellow helmet marks a material for cutting, surrounded by other workers.© GIZ/Ashraful Huda

Last update: January 2025

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