Climate risk prevention: Thailand‘s National Adaptation Plan
Project description
Title: Risk-based National Adaptation Plan (Risk NAP)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Country: Thailand
Partner: Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP)
Overall term: 2015 to 2021

Thailand has been developing its National Adaptation Plan since 2015 to respond to the increasing losses and damage caused by climate change. Although climate change adaptation is already part of the Climate Change Mitigation Master Plan and other nationwide guidelines, there is still a lack of specific information about climate risks and the measures required to adapt to these risks. At the same time, the provinces and municipalities have not yet integrated climate risks and adaptation options into their planning with sufficient consistency.
The results of the climate risk analysis and the priorities defined in the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) are being incorporated into national strategies for various topic areas and sub-national planning. Financing tools and the budgeting system have been aligned with the NAP requirements to promote the implementation of adaptation measures.
In order to achieve the project’s objectives, the project team is working with the national project partners and partners in four pilot regions to conduct climate risk analyses.
These analyses provide the scientific basis for the development of national policy and adaptation measures. Based on the risk assessment, the project supports the development of the NAP with skills development measures for political decision-makers. The project also supports exchange with international experts.
The risk-based NAP serves as a guideline for climate change adaptation, integration and implementation in Thailand. Once the NAP is complete, the project will promote its integration in various sectors of the economy and in regional and municipal planning. It will also support the establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system. In addition, the project will advise its partners on adapting the existing budgeting system to the requirements of the NAP.
The project has supported the integration of adaptation strategies at the state level in three areas in particular: health, tourism, and settlement. The risks of climate change have been analysed and reflected in the relevant planning.
With regard to financing, the project helps estimate the costs of implementing the NAP and integrating climate change criteria in Thailand’s Environmental Fund. It also assists with the analysis of the budgeting and financing tools proposed as part of the (draft) climate change legislation.
With the joint development of integrated strategies by the partners, the project helps boost resilience and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Information about climate risks, prospects for adaptation to climate change and targeted training measures has been accepted by the responsible authorities, leading to better understanding and greater technical expertise in the departments involved.
At regional level, the project has launched the adaptation measures proposed in the NAP in four pilot regions. Regional climate risk analyses and socio-economic scenarios have been drawn up and used in this context. Key representatives from the tourism, agriculture, settlement, health and water sectors were included in planning in the pilot regions. The objective was to determine the major regional climate risks and approaches to adaptation to climate change and to align development plans with climate resilience and sustainability.
Last update: January 2021