Strengthening the contribution of the chemical industry to climate protection

Project description

Title: Climate Action Programme for the Chemical Industry (CAPCI)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) – International Climate Initiative (IKI)
Country:  Global programme with support activities for selected developing countries and emerging economies (Ghana, Argentina, Morocco, Peru, Thailand, Viet Nam)
Lead executing agency: Environmental ministries in selected developing countries and emerging economies
Overall term: 2021 to 2024



According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC), the chemical and petrochemical industries account for around ten per cent of the world’s energy demand and up to eight per cent of greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions from the chemical industry amounted to around two billion tonnes of CO2 equivalents in 2005 and could more than double by 2030. In addition to energy-intensive production, the entire life cycle involves further greenhouse gas emissions.

Chemistry plays a role in all areas of modern life. More than 90 per cent of industry uses precursors and products from the chemical industry. At the same time, it is a source of climate-friendly solutions and, for example, produces the necessary materials for sustainable energy and mobility systems. In developing countries and emerging economies in particular, however, there is a lack of human and institutional resources to tap into the chemical industry’s climate protection potential.


The capacities of key players for effective climate protection in the chemical industry are strengthened in selected developing countries and emerging economies.


The project focuses on developing capacities and disseminating knowledge. In this way, it strives to enable industry in developing countries and emerging economies to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from chemical production and to promote climate-friendly solutions. The project develops individual measures in close cooperation with its partners and gears them to the partners’ needs in order to permanently mainstream action-oriented knowledge and skills. In the process, the project provides successful best practices, partly in close cooperation with the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3).

At international level, the UN Climate Change Secretariat with its Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB Network) and the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) are important partners of the project.

Last updated: August 2021

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