Promoting the production and marketing of agricultural products in Somalia

Project description

Title: Support of Agricultural Production and Quality Assurance - SPQA
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Somalia
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Planning and National Development, Somalia
Overall term: 2021 to 2024


Historically speaking, livestock production is the predominant agricultural activity in Somalia. About 60 per cent of the population depend either directly or indirectly on livestock and their products for their livelihood. Crop production plays a role for only about 20 per cent of the population. And for vegetables and fruit consumed in Somalia, these are mostly imported from neighbouring countries.

Rain-fed farming is the main agricultural production system. Sorghum is the principal crop, utilising approximately 70 per cent of the rain-fed agricultural land. Another 25 per cent of the land is used for maize. Other crops such as cowpeas, millet, groundnuts, beans, and barley are also grown in scattered marginal lands.

Irrigation farming is mainly situated along riverbanks by diverting water to the farm through rudimentary earth canals or by flooding the area. This leads to erosion of the cultivable area. Most of the irrigated farms have small portions of vegetables and fruits production for commercial purposes.

Farmers sell their products at the local markets if possible. However, the harvest is often bought up by middlemen and transported to the markets in the urban centres.


Production, marketing and framework regulations of selected, high-quality agricultural products are strengthened.


The project improves the capacity of regional and district structures of state partner organisations and communities in the production and marketing of vegetables and fruits. It operates in selected villages in Togdher region, Odwayne district in Somaliland, and Nugaal region Burtinle district in Puntland.

Activities supported include soil and water conservation and rehabilitation and the application of integrated pest management.

The project also promotes measures to minimise farm and market-related post-harvest losses, the identification of market opportunities and supports farmer-led producer groups in marketing their products. Farmer-led trainings and extension measures (Farmer Field Schools, Lead Farmers) support the sustainability of the project.

Support at marketing level is further informed by developing institutional capacities and providing quality assurance infrastructure for relevant authorities.

Last update: January 2022