Strengthening Human Security in the Northern Border Area of Ecuador

Project description

Title: Promoting integrated security along the northern border (FOSIN)
Commissioned by: European Commission
Country: Ecuador
Lead executing agency: Secretaría Técnica del Plan Ecuador (STPE)
Overall term: 2010 to 2012


The over 700 km-long Ecuadorian-Colombian border is fairly inaccessible as a result of the geographical location, poor roads and extremely dense vegetation. Civil and military security forces therefore have trouble controlling the border effectively. The consequences of the dynamics of violence in Colombia have further exacerbated the security problems along Ecuador’s northern border. On the one hand, illegal groups crossing into Ecuador or mounting attacks are making it harder for security forces to carry out their work. They intimidate and terrorise the local population, and this hampers free economic and social development. The security situation per se also spawns other, related problems, such as human trafficking, sexual exploitation and weapons or drugs smuggling. In addition, the high number of Colombian refugees in Ecuador (the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees puts numbers at around 135,000) has an impact on the social and security services provided by the Ecuadorian authorities.

In response to this critical situation, the Ecuadorian Government launched Plan Ecuador in 2007. The main objective of this plan is to strengthen the peace and development process by protecting the population groups most at risk, improving infrastructure and human mobility, encouraging employment and economic activity as well as developing relations between Ecuador and Colombia. Central elements of Plan Ecuador are efforts to rectify the long-standing failure of central government to promote the border region and plans for public investment in the area. The aim is to strengthen local actors in particular as well as to promote exchange and cooperation between local governments and civil society actors and organisations.


Responsible government actors and civil society organisations perform their duties more efficiently in terms of ensuring civil security, guaranteeing human rights and promoting development in the provinces of Esmeraldas, Carchi and Sucumbíos in the region bordering Colombia.


The project ‘Promoting integrated security along the northern border (FOSIN)’ supports the Technical Secretariat of Plan Ecuador (STPE), which is responsible for inter-institutional coordination, in its efforts to significantly reduce levels of violence and insecurity along the Colombian border. The project has three complementary objectives:

  • Strengthening the competences, resources and capacities of government and civil society actors to enable them to handle the critical security situation
    Advice and support is given to public institutions, local authorities and civil society organisations to enable them to jointly develop a participatory security system based in local communities.
  • Improving protection of the human rights of the population groups that are particularly affected
    Advisory and investment activities are carried out to raise awareness and increase the sensitivity of authorities, the judicial system and the population towards human rights, fundamental rights in Ecuador and the protection and needs of particularly affected population groups.
    Supporting dialogue processes between the population and local or national authorities
  • Support is provided to introduce mechanisms capable of fostering regular exchange and dialogue between local and national institutions, civil society organisations and the people of Ecuador and Colombia. The project also promotes common values and concepts for peace, tolerance and conflict resolution.

FOSIN and STPE are working together to achieve these goals. The instruments used include:

  • Policy analysis (e.g. in relation to the security situation and potential for conflict in the regions bordering Colombia)
  • Advisory services (e.g. for establishing local committees for civil security)
  • Training (e.g. on national civil security strategies)
  • Investment (e.g. in shelters for victims of domestic violence)
  • Dialogue processes (e.g. between Ecuadorian citizens and Colombian refugees)
  • Media campaigns (e.g. producing a TV series)

FOSIN is financed by the European Commission. The project shares many of the same themes as the Modernisation and Decentralisation (PROMODE) project, which is being implemented on behalf of BMZ. For organisational purposes, FOSIN has been assigned to this project within the framework of delegated cooperation.

Additional information