Panorama of a green mountain landscape

Conserving biodiversity through African-European business partnerships

Bioinnovation Africa II – African-European partnerships for biodiversity conservation

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  • Client

    German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

  • Political sponsors


  • Runtime

    2023 to 2025

  • Products and expertise

    Climate, environment, management of natural resources


Africa is home to countless animal and plant species as well as microorganisms from which food supplements, cosmetics and medicinal applications can be produced. However, there are currently only a few sustainable African-European business relationships that leverage the value of biological resources and ensure the providers in Africa receive fair and equitable access and benefit-sharing (ABS) in accordance with the Nagoya Protocol of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). ABS agreements determine who is authorised to utilise local animal and plant species and what compensation the providers of the resources receive in return. By strengthening value chains, Africa could further advance its socio-economic development and better protect biodiversity.


In the partner countries Cameroon, Madagascar, Namibia and South Africa, biodiversity is being leveraged fairly and equitably. This improves working conditions, protects biodiversity and mobilises private investment.


The project supports African-European value chains in fulfilling international market requirements and reducing market barriers to trade in natural ingredients and products. In the business partnerships, it promotes the conservation of biodiversity and the participation of the local population.

Local producers, cooperatives, communities and government representatives receive training on topics such as the valorisation of biodiversity, business development, digital approval procedures and ABS negotiations.

In addition, the project assists the partner countries in developing and successfully applying national ABS guidelines for biodiversity conservation.

It also advises German policymakers on how to incorporate the benefits of trade in biological resources and ABS into development cooperation.

Last update: March 2024

Additional information


A man walks through the rainforest.

Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity (ABS Capacity Development Initiative)


People stand in a storage room with sacks.

Working with the private sector for sustainable impact


View from above of a rural settlement with a solar panel

Climate Change and Inclusive Use of Natural Resources (CCIU)


Several people standing in a field next to a tree.

Conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in Madagascar


A lake with small trees in the water

Promoting national implementation of international biodiversity targets