Promoting inclusive and harmonised digital and data policies in Africa
Citizen Engagement and Innovative Use of Data for Africa’s Development (DataCipation)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
European Union (EU)
African Union (AU), selected AU Member States and Regional Economic Communities (RECs)
Political sponsors
2020 to 2026
GFA Consulting Group GmbH, Particip GmbH
Products and expertise
Governance and democracy

To date, many African countries have only profited little in the prosperity gains resulting from digital transformation. There is a lack of digital infrastructure and skills, as well as a shortage of financial resources. In addition, a digital divide exists between African countries, as well as between women and men. This gap in terms of access to digital technologies further limits the participation of those affected. Regulatory conditions pose an obstacle to the development of inclusive digital societies. Varying regulations in African countries hinder cross-border data transfers and digital trade.
The African Union’s Digital Transformation Strategy 2020-2030 seeks to create an integrated and inclusive digital society and economy in Africa that improves the quality of life for citizens. Organisations such as the African Union (AU) and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) are ideally placed to introduce coordinated strategies and promote a harmonised digital policy – with the involvement of civil society and private sector stakeholders.
The African Union has implemented an inclusive and harmonised digital and data policy.

The project supports the AU, its Member States and Regional Economic Communities in creating and implementing an appropriate and harmonised framework for digital and data policy. It does so by:
- Supporting processes and strategies that align national, regional and continental data policies
- Developing the skills of selected government and non-governmental stakeholders in order to implement the AU Data Policy Framework
- Implementing digital innovations and initiatives which promote inclusive digital transformation
- Facilitating digitally enabled participation and communication processes, especially for women and young people
Last update: July 2024