Creating prospects through digitalisation
Promotion of digital transformation (DIGITAL-Y)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Political sponsors
2024 to 2027
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Products and expertise
Governance and democracy
Mauritanian society is mainly young, unemployed and affected by multidimensional poverty. Many people do not have sufficient access to public services, for example in the areas of health and education, and have limited employment prospects.
As a desert country with a small population in a fragile region, Mauritania also faces difficulties in attracting foreign investors and digital companies. To address the challenges in their country, the state and the digital sector are developing their own digital solutions, which are tailored to the Mauritanian context.
This dynamic innovation process is rooted in an agile start-up scene and supportive organisations, which include a growing number of women. However, even greater support needs to be provided for digital companies.
Women, in particular, still experience structural inequalities in the digital labour market as a result of traditional role expectations. Despite a great deal of political dynamism, the state’s digital services are not yet consistent, resulting in isolated solutions and inefficient processes.

Digitalisation in Mauritania offers new, consistent and citizen-centred solutions.
The project operates in three areas:
- eGovernment: It supports Mauritania in taking a consistent approach to managing the digitalisation of the state, society and the economy by setting common standards and making public services accessible to citizens.
- eCapacities: The project also improves the capacities of experts and managers in the public sector and the digital industry through continuing education and networking.
- eEntrepreneurship: It encourages communication between the state and the digital sector through dialogue events, and is improving the support available for digital, innovative entrepreneurship. To achieve this, it is working with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to develop a national eCommerce strategy for Mauritania.
Last update: November 2024