Promoting peace and stability in Mali
Project description
Title: Project to support stabilisation and peace in Mali
Commissioned by: German Federal Foreign Office
Country: Mali
Lead executing agency: Ministry of National Reconciliation
Overall term: 2016 to 2024
Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world. The country has been unstable since the political crisis and coup in 2012. A peace agreement signed in 2015 was intended to lay the groundwork for reconciliation, stability and peace. However, implementation of the peace agreement is progressing slowly.
In northern and central Mali, existing tensions are worsening and new conflict hotspots are emerging with repeated violent attacks on the civilian population. Destroyed livelihoods, sparse opportunities for education and lack of social care systems exacerbate the crisis of trust between the population and the state.
Those involved in Mali’s peace architecture create peace and stability for the entire population.

The project assists the Ministry of National Reconciliation in publicising and implementing the peace agreement. It is involved in the development of regional structures for conflict management with a view to building trust between the Malian people and the government. It is a priority to get women involved in the peace process.
To address human rights violations, the project supports the Malian Truth Commission. In connection with this, the project is also working to bring about a reparations law to compensate the victims of the crises. It also presents recommendations for lasting intrasocietal reconciliation.
Microprojects in the northern regions of Mali create tangible results for the population and defuse local conflicts. For example, drinking water facilities and start-up support for taxi companies improve living conditions and social cohesion. The project also hosts citizens’ dialogue events which provide a forum for those affected to talk openly about their situation and work together to identify measures to promote stabilisation.
In keeping with its networking approach, the project works closely with the Bundeswehr (German armed forces) contingent of the UN peacekeeping force (MINUSMA).

Last updated: June 2022